baby crawling on all fours on carpet

What Are The Stages of Crawling

Crawling – that adorable, wobbly phase babies zoom through. Whether your little one is already doing the inchworm shuffle or you're just eagerly awaiting those first attempts, we're diving into the world of tiny knees and newfound mobility. So, grab your baby-proofing gear and let's uncover the mystery: "What are the stages of crawling?" Get ready for a rollercoaster of cuteness and developmental triumphs! 

Why Do Babies Start Crawling?

baby learning how to crawl

Crawling isn't just a cute shuffle; it's a crucial developmental leap for your little one. As your baby takes on this milestone, they'll revel in newfound freedom, joyously exploring the world around them. It's not just about movement—it's a journey that fosters independence and decision-making. Crawling prompts your child to tackle physical challenges, building confidence and problem-solving skills. This stage is the foundation for future feats like feeding themselves, playing with toys, and even mastering handwriting. Beyond the practical, crawling hones sensory systems, coordination, and spatial awareness.

When Do Babies Start Crawling?

baby crawling with teething toy in hand

Babies embark on the crawling adventure at their own pace, with some hitting this baby milestone between 7 and 12 months. By 6 to 9 months, some are gearing up in a hands-and-knees position, a precursor to the crawling act. 'Commando crawling,' where they gracefully navigate on their tummies, typically kicks in around 9 months, though timings can vary. Some babies may show off their moves earlier, around 6 months, while others might take a leisurely crawl after 10 months.

Can A Baby Skip The Crawling Stage? 

baby doing a handstand

It's not uncommon for babies to give crawling a miss and still hit all the developmental milestones. Instead, some opt for bottom shuffling, others do the adorable "army crawl" on their bellies, and a few might just roll their way to mobility. Surprisingly, some babies completely bypass crawling, jumping straight to pulling up, standing, cruising, and even wobbly first steps. So, if your little one seems more interested in unique modes of exploration, rest assured—there are various paths to mastering mobility!

10 Crawling Tips

mom helping baby learn how to crawl with climbing activities

1. Start with Tummy Time:

Begin with tummy time activities to strengthen your baby's muscles. It's simple—just let them play on their tummy. Always keep an eye on them during this.

2. Lift Them Up:

Lift your baby a bit off the floor to help their leg muscles. Hold them by the arms or armpits, supporting their weight without lifting their feet off the ground.

3. Show How to Crawl:

Get on the floor and show your baby how to crawl. Make it part of playtime, and they might copy your movements. If there are other babies around, they can be great examples too.

4. Use Toys for Fun:

Place toys strategically during playtime. Keep their favorites just out of reach to motivate them to move. Play tunnels or creative toy placements work wonders.

5. Play with a Mirror:

Put a mirror on the floor during tummy time. Your baby will be curious about their reflection, encouraging movements that help in crawling.

6. Encourage Various Positions:

Change up play positions. Mix in right side, left side, back, and tummy play during each session for overall strength.

7. Support Crawling Posture:

Help your baby practice crawling by supporting their abdomen while on all fours. This gets them familiar with the movements.

8. Create Positive Play Experiences:

Keep playtime positive. If your baby gets upset, take a break. Positive associations with crawling practice make it enjoyable for them.

9. Include Hands-On Play:

Encourage hands-on activities. Let your baby play with their hands elevated by using a pillow or stuffed animal during tummy time.

10. Prioritize Safety:

Always prioritize safety. Supervise mirror exploration and play with toys in a secure environment.

What Are The 6 Stages Of Crawling

mom watching baby learn how to crawl

Discover your baby's adventure through the six stages of crawling—each a delightful step in their exploration of movement.

Commando Crawl:

Watch as your baby starts crawling with their belly on the floor. Some drag their legs, others use them for speed. Encourage hands-and-knees for core strength.


See your baby push forward while sitting. Wide-legged positions offer comfort. Help the transition to classic crawl with belly-down play.

Crab Crawl:

Experience the quirky crab crawl—backward or sideways moves with unique variations, resembling little crabs.

Classic Crawl:

Behold the traditional crawl, hands and knees in action. Watch your baby propel forward, alternating legs and arms.

Bear Crawl:

Witness the dynamic hands-and-feet movement with straight elbows—a faster way to explore.

The Roll: 

Watch as some babies master rolling as their main way to move, emphasizing the importance of babyproofing spaces like beds and changing tables to prevent accidents.

Recording Your Baby's Crawling Milestone

mom recording crawling milestone on Dujourbaby Memory Book App

Capturing your baby's crawling milestone is not just exciting but also a memory worth cherishing. As they transition and perfect this skill, don't forget to document the journey in your baby book. Take abundant photos and videos to freeze these precious moments in time. If you haven't started your baby book, there's no need to worry. Download and explore the Dujourbaby Memory Book App for free today, offering a convenient and easy way to record and relive your baby's remarkable first year. It is an exciting milestone, so be sure to create lasting memories with the help of this user-friendly app.

Celebrate Crawling

mom crawling for the first time

Crawling signifies an exciting milestone in your baby's journey, yet it's crucial to acknowledge that not every little one follows the same path. Whether they opt for a commando crawl, bear crawl, or adopt a distinct style, celebrate their individuality. Each stage is a testament to their development and growth. So, revel in the uniqueness of your baby's journey, savoring the joy of their chosen crawl. If they decide on a different style, if it happens at a different time or if they skip the stage altogether, be proud of their accomplishments and cherish every moment in this remarkable stage of their early development. After all, every baby's crawl is a one-of-a-kind adventure!

Capture moments before they become blurry.

Beautiful moments with your precious baby won’t be ingrained in your memory forever. Ensure you document the wonderful early moments with your little one before it’s too late.

The Dujourbaby Memory Book App is a much easier way to build a baby book.

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